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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Tips & Tricks

Are All Oil Drain Plugs the Same Size: 10 Facts

Are All Oil Drain Plugs the Same Size

Vehicle designs, performance capabilities, technological innovations, and even seemingly mundane components show the industry’s remarkable diversity. One such unassuming yet essential part is the oil drain plug. While oil drain plugs may seem interchangeable at first glance, they are anything…

Does Gear Oil Expire: 4 Influencing Factors

Does Gear Oil Expire

Gear oil is a vital component in many vehicles and machinery. This oil is designed to provide robust lubrication that allows gears to work seamlessly in all types of applications. However, one common question that most people have is whether…

Oil Pressure Switch vs Sensor: 9 Key Differences

Oil Pressure Switch Vs Sensor

The monitoring of engine oil pressure is a critical aspect of maintaining the health and performance of an automobile’s engine. To accomplish this, two essential components come into play: the engine oil pressure switch and the engine oil pressure sensor.…